Summer is the hottest season having longest days and shortest nights. It is quite longest season than other seasons of the year.Most of the deaths are causing because of the over heat and most of the people will faint during summers. So to make your body cool and to avoid yourself from dehydration we are listing cool tips for you.
Some cool tips for you
- Try to wear comfortable cotton clothes.
- Try to eat and drink cold things to fight summer heat.
- Try to drink lots of water to avoid dehydration and heat stroke.
- Don not go outside during day time especially 10am to 5pm to avoid harmful ultraviolet rays.
- Just think of birds too.Try to keep a bowl of water and some rice grains outside in the corridor to save birds from the summer heat.
- We should not waste water and electricity.
- Try to plant more trees in your surrounding areas and water them on daily basis to reduce the summer heat.
Sabja Seeds to reduce your body heat: Soak sabja seeds in water/butter milk at nights. And drink those sabjaa seeds along with water/butter milk in the morning. It will make your self cool and will reduce your body heat.
Cucumber: Try to eat cucumber to protect yourself from over heat.
Watermelon, grapefruit, oranges and strawberries: The water and vitamins in these fruits will reduce your body heat.
Just follow these tips and Stay healthy !!