We are not born with "Silver spoons" in our mouths. We don't decide our life in our mothers womb to what we become in our life..
We don't know who touches us first..
We don't know the first light falls on our eyes...
We don't know the first pain for what we are crying for... And ,
We don't know our interest..
We don't know our skills...
We don't know how long we mask our brain for not to answer the boring questions...
We don't know how long to listen the lifeless beats of our hearts
We don't know how long to digest tasteless subjects....
But, when we starts to think what we know first...my mind say it all.....
Science starts our life and gives a hope to live, it makes people to think and makes their brain works more than their body.
But, when we start to imagine that when this technology stops suddenly is it possible to continue our life? The answer may YES, because we can travel, we can communicate, we can earn. But, if you think that can we live our life happily without any health problems ? or can we live our life till we achieve our dreams? The answer is exactly NO.
There are people in our society who rules their life with bold hope on their hearts even they are challenged to breathe. This hope comes from their heart through science and technology and it makes the to say YES, because now people can live without heart, they can live happily with dangerous diseases by keeping their hope on this technology. Innovating or implementing new ideas should be useful to people life where, I feel this particular medical electronics field fusions all other departments together and shows the taste of science.
Person who finds interest where he is not interested becomes successful at any moment...
I find my interest after a long journey of 23 years.. now I'm not worrying about my past 23.. just thinking about how to make my next 23 years beautiful...
"Success is everywhere...once, we find it"