Have you traveled long more to borders of our country? with your own risk? may be yes from one from the thousands. And here our Grandma 'Annakutty' traveled to Italy, Germany, Israel, France and the UAE for 4 times. She also hopes to make one more trip to Calvary near Jerusalem, it doesn't mean she is not able to travel but visa officials not allowing her to travel at this age.
Coming to her bio, she settled in Kuninji village in Idukki district, Kerala and a great grandmother for 20 children which her family comprises nearly 70 people. Our grandma know only her native language Malayalam as she speaks only Malayalam where ever she gone.
“Wherever I go, I speak only Malayalam as I know just that. Still I have never had any major communication problem abroad. Those whom I ask my doubts in Malayalam clear them in their language, but by God’s grace I get my answers,”
“Why don’t they understand I am still young at my heart? I still can go anywhere myself,” -in her words.
"But traveling is not Annakutty’s only passion. She is good at farming, nursing and was also a midwife" says her grandchild Reneesh.
“It is Ammachi(Annakutty) who takes the initiative for all good ventures in our locality, be it road construction or seed sowing in any filed,” he adds.
And, Here is the secret of our Grandma's energy in her words
“I don’t sit idle. I do something or the other all the time so that no negativity can hold me back,”.
So start following our Grandma's secret of energy and travel the world within your tips.