Tips To Avoid Smoking

Smoking is one of the most dangerous evils which is killing our relatives, friends and beloved ones lives. Over the long term, smoking leads people to develop health problems like heart disease, stroke, emphysema (breakdown of lung tissue), and many types of cancer — including lung, throat, stomach, and bladder cancer.

As you smoke, not only you have become addicted – in other words, dependent physically, psychologically and in terms of your behavior.And you have also developed thoughts and habits that have strengthened the ties cigarettes have over your life. And you know..? You can’t change thoughts and habits like these simply by swallowing a pill or making a New Year’s resolution.


If you are planning to quit smoking..We are here to help you. The first thing we suggest you is just try to deprogram yourself.

The strategy behind the tips that will help you quit cigarettes can be summarised in three words
  • Delay it
  • Avoid it
  • Replace it
Delay smoking your cigarette ...
An urge to smoke lasts less than five minutes.  Every time you feel an urge, find something else to do (preferably something you enjoy), and your urges will come less frequently.  This is how you will succeed in deprogramming yourself.

Avoid cigarettes ...
  • Eliminate a cigarette break by doing something else that you enjoy.
  • If people offer you cigarettes, say no.
  • Do things with non-smokers
  • Smoke your first cigarette of the day later than usual.
  • Smoke a few less cigarettes each day or stop smoking.
  • Keep your pack of cigarettes, matches or lighter and ashtray out of reach.
Replace cigarettes with something else...
You’ve trained your brain and body to depend on cigarettes in order to feel good.  It’s therefore important to do things you enjoy, so as to break your cigarette-related habits.  Obviously, as far as possible you’ll need to avoid the activities and even the people you associate in your mind with cigarettes, until you’ve been deprogrammed.
  • Have fun:  Look around for other activities that you enjoy and that will allow you to laugh – for example, improvisation, acting, movies, reading, singing, music, etc.
  • Keep your hands always busy:  Keep your hands busy with something else – for example, an elastic band, a paper clip or a pencil.  If you’re used to smoking while talking on the telephone, hold the receiver in the hand you would normally use to smoke. 
  • Keep your mouth always busy:  If you feel you need something in your mouth, chew gum, a cinnamon stick or a straw, brush your teeth several times a day (toothpaste makes cigarettes taste bad), eat carrot or celery sticks or other fresh foods, drink a lot of water, etc.
  • Positive thinking:  If you’re capable of finding a pretext to smoke, you should also be capable of finding an excuse not to smoke.  It’s a matter of positive thinking.
  • Support person:  Have someone you can talk to, both when things are going well and when they’re not.
  • Relax:  Sleep a lot, stretch out, breathe deeply or yawn, decorate your environment and learn some relaxation techniques.
    • Meditation: Do meditation every day.
    Positive thinking and control on your thoughts of smoking cigarette always helps you to avoid smoking. Before smoking just remember your family and your loved ones.

    Live a happy life..!!!!
    Article By Prasuna